Ian Bailey
Project Manager
Ian is a Civil Engineer, degree qualified from UNSW, followed by a Graduate Diploma in Local Government Engineering (NSWIT), an MBA (Deakin), and is a JP. He has worked for a number of NSW Local Government Councils including Dubbo City Council for 22 years, as the Works Manager, and finally Director of Engineering following the council merger creating Dubbo Regional Council in 2016.
He has strong experience in Operational Civil Engineering Project Management, Staff Management and Industrial Relations, Organisational Change, Community Consultation, Project Accounting, and all aspects of Budgeting. He is a firm believer in the need for small and large organisations to have well defined Management Systems based on Quality Management ISO9000 principles, so that business decision making is founded on good data, and accountabilities are well understood and reviewed on a Plan Do Check Act basis.
He rides his road bike regularly, to keep fit.